
Cheap way to Clean MakeUp Brushes

Take your brushes and wash it with a Face wash ! I am using a Clinique face wash here ! The reason for using a face wash is because it helps to break down the makeup buildup in your brushes and cleanses it thoroughly.

Then use a hair conditioner or a hair masque [works better] to wash your brush a second time to make it smooth and soft. Also, the conditioner  or the masque helps to keep the actual shape of the brush ! 
Macadamia Natural Oil Hair Masque 

After you rinse all the brushes put them in top of a hand towel and lay them flat to dry off !

It will take at least half a day to completely dry off ! So make sure you pick a day when you are not going out ! 

Enjoy your clean Brushes ! 

Tasnia Hasan


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